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Conversion Through Immersion

by Ryan Eggenberger

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Summertime continues to be a fruitful time of formation for Sacred Heart seminarians. Philosophy and pre-theology undergraduates, for example, embark on a cultural immersion pilgrimage to a Spanish-speaking country.

This year, the men journey to the city of Antigua in central highlands Guatemala for four weeks and then on to the neighboring country of Belize for two weeks. They will live with Spanish-speaking families while attending intensive Spanish-language class each day. In the evening, Sacred Heart priest-formators guide the seminarians in spiritual direction.

Through this cultural immersion experienceunique to Sacred Heart among U.S. seminarie—seminarians will be better prepared to minister to the spiritual and human needs of Latino Catholics when they become priests.

Ryan Eggenberger, a second-year pre-theologian, gives this report about his experience so far in Guatemala. He and seven brother seminarian—Patrick Brennan, Bro. Timothy Burnham, SOLT, Bro. Nicholas Hamilton, SOLT, John-Henry Keenan, Mark Martin, Benjamin Rivard, and Bro. Jacob Wisenbaker, SOLTleft Detroit on May 8 and will return on June 18.

As we wrap up our time of study and immersion here in Antigua, we praise God for the good work he has begun in us. Whether we were immersed in Spanish class every day, meeting new folks on the cobblestone roads on the city, or marveling at the frequent eruptions of the volcanoes that surround the city, every moment has been filled with opportunities of encounter with Our Lord.

As one of the formation directors explained, the Spanish formation and immersion experience is a critical assignment for an undergraduate preparing for the priesthood at Sacred Heart. As such, it has been an opportunity for each of us, each in his own way, to respond to the Lord and follow him to a place of challenge for the sake of the Kingdom.

There are many desired outcomes of the tripsome known beforehand and others only discovered during or after. The immediate goals include growing in our ability to speak and comprehend Spanish; becoming immersed in, and grow in understanding of, different Latin American cultures; and growing closer to the Lord personally and also communally through interacting daily with brother seminarians and the people of each country.

The Spanish language component, for some, might seem to be the most daunting. Our weekly schedule includes five hours of one-on-one Spanish instruction at our school, Sevilla Antigua. After lunch and an afternoon break, we reconvene at our home at Convento Belen for Mass in Spanish, evening prayer, and dinner. This sisters at Convento Belen assure us that we are practicando el espanolpracticing our Spanisheven when we are not at school!

Culturally, we have left our life of familiarity and been dropped into a new place. The faith of the people of Guatemala is incredible. The city is filled with churches, statues, and consistently-busy perpetual adoration chapels. The Lord's presence is easily sensed here, especially after getting to know and pray with people on an individual level, be it at the school or with strangers on the street.

As a class, we are growing closer to God and to one another, experiencing the Lord's goodness especially at Mass and when we pray with one another, and in the conversations we have together outside of our structured time. I am personally edified by each one of the men on this trip, by their witness to God's goodness in their lives, and especially by the courage with which each man has generously responded to the invitation to follow Jesus, no matter what is asked of him.

We are walking with the Lord poco a pocolittle by littleas they say in Guatemala. Praise God for his generosity. Praise God for this opportunity to follow him.

Ryan Eggenberger

Ryan Eggenberger is a graduate Seminarian for the Archdiocese of Detroit.

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Sacred Heart Major Seminary is a Christ-centered Catholic community of faith and higher learning committed to forming leaders who will proclaim the good news of Christ to the people of our time. As a leading center of the New Evangelization, Sacred Heart serves the needs of the Archdiocese of Detroit and contributes to the mission of the universal Church.