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Sacred Heart Faculty Winter 2024 Updates

Sacred Heart’s renowned professors celebrate book releases, speaking engagements, conference appearances, and more

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Dr. Philip Blosser, Professor of Philosophy, was interviewed by Al Kresta on vol. 2 of Speaking in Tongues: Tongues Through Church History, co-authored with Charles Sullivan, on Al Kresta in the Afternoon, January 15, 2024. He gave two presentations: one on “The History of Speaking in Tongues,” for Catholic Student Evangelism, Mason Hall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, January 31, 2024, and another on “Philosophy from Plato to Wittgenstein for Altar Boys,” at a retreat for 30 altar boys at Assumption Grotto Parish, March 28, 2024. He co-authored with Andrew Likoudis “James Likoudis Was a Beacon of Catholic Faith in a Changing World,” National Catholic Register (Sept. 13, 2024)

Dr. Kevin Clarke, Dean of the Institute for Lay Ministry, gave two presentations: “The Dead Letter Economy and the Famine of the Spirit: Maximus on the Literal Sense,” 19th International Conference on Patristics Studies, Oxford University (U.K.), Aug. 7, 2024; and “The Timid Savior: The Economic Dynamics of Attraction and Repulsion in Maximus’s Account of the Will,” 5th International Colloquium of St Maximus the Confessor, Károli University (Budapest), Feb. 3, 2024. He published “Patrology Beyond Suspicion: Hermeneutics, Holiness, and Hope,” in Patristic Theology 1 (2024), 65-100, “Abraham the Indiscriminate Almsgiver in John Chrysostom’s Exegesis of the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man,” in LOGOS: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, 27.3 (2024), 66-85, and “Words in the Word: Maximus on Christ the Creator,” in Saint Anselm Journal 19.1 (2023), 57-81.

Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Bishop Kevin M. Britt Chair of Dogmatic Theology and Christology, published “Mary and Our Pilgrimage to Heaven” in The Priest Vol. 80 No. 7 (July 2024): 15–18. He also published “The Credibility of the Catholic Faith According to Francisco Suárez (1548–1617)" in Second Scholasticism, Analytical Metaphysics, Christian Apologetics: Essays in Honour of Stanislav Sousedík, edited by David Svoboda, Prokop Sousedík, and Lukáš Novák (Ceské Budějovice, Czech Republic: Studia Neoaristotelica Supplementum III, 2024): 407–422. He was a co-editor and contributor to the following volumes: Politics, Law & Religion in Times of COVID [co-editor with Jane F. Adolphe and Fulvio Di Blasi] (Saint Louis, MO: En Route Books & Media, 2024); Humanae Vitae and Catholic Sexual Morality [co-editor with Matthew Levering] (Ave Maria, Florida: Sapientia Press, 2024); Lived Experience and the Search for Truth: Revisiting Catholic Sexual Morality [co-editor with Deborah Savage] (Saint Louis, MO: En Route Books & Media, 2024); and Gender Ideology and Pastoral Practice: A Handbook for Catholic Clergy, Counselors, and Ministerial Leaders [co-editor with Theresa Farnan and Susan Selner-Wright] (Saint Louis, MO: En Route Books & Media, 2024).

Fr. Charles Fox, Vice Rector and Dean of Seminarian Formation, published two articles “‘Behold We Live’: Msgr. Ronald Knox On the Power of the Cross," and "Holiness and the Giving of Ourselves Thoughtfully and Recklessly" in Catholic World Report. He also gave a talk on "Priestly Formation and the Introduction of the Propaedeutic Stage of Formation at Sacred Heart Major Seminary" to the Cardinal Club of Detroit.

Dr. Mary Healy, Professor of Sacred Scripture, gave presentations on the Holy Spirit, Scripture and evangelization at clergy convocations for the dioceses of Sioux City, IA (Feb. 27); Harrisburg, PA (Sept. 30); and Wichita, KS (Oct. 21-24). She spoke on the theology of healing for the priests of Lyon, France (March 6-7), and presented an “impact session” on healing at the National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis, July 19.

Dr. Ralph Martin, Professor of Theology and Director of Graduate Programs in the New Evangelization, published A Life in the Spirit: A Memoir, Emmaus Road Publications, St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology (Sept. 2024), “Why Is It Important to Teach Clearly About Hell,” Catechetical Review, October 2024 V. 10, No 4. Franciscan University of Steubenville, and “Salvation Optimism and Its Limits: A Reading of Lumen Gentium 16,” in Hard Sayings Left Behind by Vatican II: Stumbling Blocks for Ecumenism, Interfaith Dialogue and Church-World Relations,” ed. Peter De Mey, Judith Gruber (Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2023), 99-112. He spoke at a Priests Retreat in Kampala, Uganda for 500 priests, July 2024, a Priests, Sisters and Lay Leaders Conference in Lvov, Ukraine, August 2024, and gave a talk on helping seminarians achieve chastity at the Federation of Seminary Spiritual Directors Conference, Oct. 2024.

Dr. Andre Villeneuve, Associate Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages, wrote an article, “Why Israel Matters: The Biblical Roots of Catholic Zionism” Homiletic and Pastoral Review (July 26, 2024). He gave a presentation, “God’s Story, Our Story: A Journey through Salvation History,” on the Catholics for Israel video podcast teaching series. He gave several presentations: “Between Godly Unity and Devilish Utopia,” at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting (San Diego, Nov 2024); “Types of Antichrist in the Old Testament” at an International Symposium—Understanding the Old Testament as Christian Scripture (Rome, June 2024); and “Why Do the Nations Rage? How the Psalms Teach Us to Live in Peace and Joy in a World Gone Mad,” at the Applied Biblical Studies Conference, Franciscan University of Steubenville (July 2024).

Dr. Donald Wallenfang, OCDS, Professor of Theology and Philosophy, had four interviews on his book Shoeless: Carmelite Spirituality in a Disquieted World with Johnette Williams on Women of Grace, Eternal World Television Network (EWTN), March 4-7, 2024. He gave several lectures: "Anatomy of the Soul: Saint Teresa of Ávila on the Interior Castle," for the Center for Carmelite Studies at The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, March 26, 2024; "Ostende faciem tuam: Ratzinger and Levinas on the Concept of the Face," at the International Ratzinger Congress; “Cooperatores veritatis: Joseph Ratzinger in Dialogue with Philosophical Traditions,” at the Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City, April 17-20, 2024; and "The Metaphysical Child: To Live and Move and Have Their Being," Plenary Presentation along with Megan Wallenfang and Bishop Emeritus Thomas J. Olmsted at the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the United States Association of The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Phoenix, AZ, August 23, 2024. He gave a radio interview, "On the Meaning of Vocation in the Work of Saint Edith Stein," with Dr. Marcus Peter, Ave Maria in the Afternoon, Ave Maria Radio, August 9, 2024.

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Sacred Heart Major Seminary is a Christ-centered Catholic community of faith and higher learning committed to forming leaders who will proclaim the good news of Christ to the people of our time. As a leading center of the New Evangelization, Sacred Heart serves the needs of the Archdiocese of Detroit and contributes to the mission of the universal Church.