As the thoughts of many turn to winter chill and the upcoming holidays, the thoughts of the professors and staff of Sacred Heart Major Seminary are focused on preparing courses for the upcoming Winter semester, several of which feature unique topics in evangelization, theology and pastoral leadership which highlight the Seminary’s commitment to form ordained and lay leaders in the New Evangelization. These four courses are among the many being offered this coming semester.
Theology of the Body (NE 745)
From 1979-1984 Pope St. John Paul II delivered a series of addresses as part of a weekly audience that renewed the way of the family in the Church, and indeed the world: the catecheses presented in a personalist perspective the dignity of the human person and of of human body, the vocation to love inscribed in human sexuality and the inherent connection between the two. Collected later under the title of Theology of the Body, this beautiful theological and pastoral reflection has been a cornerstone to contemporary teaching and evangelization. Dr. Oana Gotia will offer a 2-credit hour elective course on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM for graduate students to explore this important work and its meaning for theology and pastoral work with families and the youth.
Online Course: Contemporary Apologetics (STL/NE 878)
A key skill in contemporary evangelization is the ability to respond to questions and critiques of the Gospel found in modern culture, and to provide the deeper answers that show the reasons for what we believe. Available to graduate and STL students, Dr. André Villeneuve will guide students through these deeper questions such as the relationship of faith and reason, arguments for the existence of God, the question of evolution and original sin, the problem of evil and suffering, and more. This is a fully online course.
Theology of Salvation and Mission (THE 320)
God saves humanity, and then sends us forth to bring that message of salvation to the rest of the world. In this undergraduate class, great for undergraduate diploma and degree students, Fr. Pieter vanRooyen will show how this material is fundamental to any evangelizing activity because it examines these two inseparable actions: HOW God brings about that salvation, and WHY that saving action is the basis for the Church’s missionary mandate - “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” See our course schedule for days and times.
Catholic Social Teaching (THE 300)
God reveals Himself in word and deed - and calls all disciples to bring forward the message of salvation by word and deed as well. The undergraduate course, Catholic Social Teaching, applies our moral teaching to the to issues facing the Church and society in such areas as bioethics, sexual ethics, marriage and family, economics, and politics. This is a great course for undergraduate diploma and degree students, and as a follow up to our Certificate in Catholic Theology. See our course schedule for instructor, day and time.
To learn more about these classes and others offered this Winter 2023 semester, please contact our admissions team at or (313) 883-8696.