In Sacred Heart Major Seminary Rector, Fr. Stephen Burr’s annual address for this year, he shares his vision, outlines the work ahead, and offers pertinent updates on business matters. Addressing the seminary's Board of Trustees, Faculty, Staff, Seminarians, and students Fr. Burr shares how his role has changed over the last year and how he holds the community closely in prayer.
Challenging the community to do the real work required for authentic communal life and neighborly love, following the difficult season hallmarked by the COVID 19 pandemic, he writes, “Maybe you have had the dream of pressing a reset button after the pandemic, an easy return to normal, or possibly at other moments of life: resetting after a difficult conversation that was not loving, or resetting to perform an omitted action that could have benefitted an individual in need. A reset option is not available. We need to provide effort to regain what has not been as present in our lives as a community.”
With this reality in mind, he invites the Sacred Heart community to identify the everyday, ordinary, practical ways they can reach out to fellow members within the community, to walk in humility, in neighborly love, towards the Lord.