Meet Dcn. Andres Galeano, a transitional deacon for the Archdiocese of Hartford (Home parish: North American Martyrs, East Hartford), who will be ordained a priest later this year.
What was the highlight of your time at Sacred Heart Major Seminary?
One of the most beautiful gifts of seminary has been that of brotherhood. The fraternity and friendships that are lived out in this seminary has been and will continue to be a wonderful blessing for me. Seminary enables us to grow in a special kind of brotherhood that will be of great support throughout ministerial life. And of course, but not least important, it has been a gift to have had the opportunity during these years in seminary to grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus; allowing Jesus to enter each and every aspect of my life, knowing and loving him, and enabling him to be the motor of my life.
What has been one or two highlights of your time serving as a transitional deacon?
There have been many experiences throughout this year of being a deacon that has brought about much joy: preaching, baptizing, leading funeral services, just to name a few. One of the earliest highlights of my diaconate was presiding my first baptism in English and Spanish for six children — definitely a memory that I will forever cherish!
How are you preparing for your priestly ordination?
By surrendering myself completely to the Lord each and every day, especially during my times of prayer—asking Him to make me the priest that He wishes me to be. I desire to be a priest that has the capacity to love with his love and to be a priest that will strive to conform his heart to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. A priest that is ever ready to minister the people of God.
What kind of priest do you want to be?
Simply put, I want to be a good and faithful priest that is able to bring Christ’s joy, love, and mercy to his people — to be a priest that is able to make a gift of self for the good of the flock.
What are you looking forward to after being ordained?
There are so many things that I am looking forward to after ordination, including having the opportunity to be with people during their times of tribulation as well as their times of joy; being able to help people grow in their relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ; pouring out God’s mercy on His people in the confessional; and having the awesome and beautiful gift of being able to offer the holy sacrifice of the Mass with and for the people.
Please join us in praying for Deacon Andres Galeano during his final months of preparation leading up to his ordination.