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Meet Your Seminarians: David Snow

Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity seminarian wants to minister as Jesus did

by Editorial Team

Meet Dcn. David Snow, a transitional deacon for the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) (Home parish: St. Bernadette, Kansas City, MO), who will be ordained a priest later this year.

What was the highlight of your time at Sacred Heart Major Seminary?

Besides having the opportunity to take a deep dive into my Catholic faith and the things of God, I would say the highlight of my time at Sacred Heart was forging new friendships with my classmates. I hope and pray that even though we will be going our separate ways, this fraternity will remain and even continue to grow.

What has been one or two highlights of your time serving as a transitional deacon?

One highlight of my transitional diaconate was having the opportunity to preach a Sunday homily on the beatitudes. It was a challenge and a joy to prepare, and it seemed to be well-received by the people.  Another highlight was all the Baptisms that I had the privilege of doing last summer. It was incredible to be the instrument of sacramental grace for those children.

How are you preparing for your priestly ordination? 

In preparing for my priestly ordination, honestly, I am just trying to follow Jesus more closely. I am praying in a special way for wisdom and discernment in ministry so that I can be a man after his own heart and a bridge between him and his people.

What kind of priest do you want to be?

I really just want to be a priest like Jesus. I want to minister as he did, love as he did, and show his love and mercy to those who need it whether in the liturgy, the confessional, meetings, counseling, spiritual direction, or anything else.

What are you looking forward to after being ordained?

I am looking forward to working more closely and directly with the people of God. One of the challenging though necessary things about seminary has been being more removed from the everyday lives of the faithful in order to concentrate on my own formation and growth. I am looking forward to sharing what I have learned and who I have grown into with God's people.

Please join us in praying for Deacon David Snow, SOLT, during his final months of preparation leading up to his ordination.

by Editorial Team

Editorial Team

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Sacred Heart Major Seminary is a Christ-centered Catholic community of faith and higher learning committed to forming leaders who will proclaim the good news of Christ to the people of our time. As a leading center of the New Evangelization, Sacred Heart serves the needs of the Archdiocese of Detroit and contributes to the mission of the universal Church.