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Presbyterate Ordination Schedule 2024

Sacred Heart Major Seminary sends forth fourteen men from seven dioceses and communities to be ordained priests this spring and summer.

by Karla Dorweiler

The journey of discernment and formation to the priesthood for fourteen men at Sacred Heart is ending as they begin their new life in Christ as priests for their dioceses and communities. Please join seminary faculty, staff, and formators in prayer and congratulations for these ordinandi, their families, and those they will serve in their ministries.

Some of the men were asked to share their reflections on the priesthood and on their time at Sacred Heart.

Dcn. Joshua Fons, Diocese of Lansing
Thinking about beginning priestly ministry, the first thing that comes to mind is the desire to be a shepherd. What does a shepherd look like? Well, no one better exemplified that to me during my time at Sacred Heart than the late Msgr. Dan Trapp. He showed me what it meant to be a zealous, faithful, prayerful shepherd of God's people. He was a priest who daily laid down his life for his flock. He was a patient and attentive spiritual father. He is the kind of priest I hope to be someday: a priest after the heart of Jesus.

Dcn. Zachary Glick, Diocese of Gary
I look forward to celebrating the Holy Mass and teaching people about the Catholic faith, especially in the Sacred Scriptures. In the Mass and in understanding the faith, I believe we are able to grow in our relationship with God and be moved to make a gift of our lives in response to God’s gift to us.

One of my favorite things about Sacred Heart has been the bond I have shared with my classmates. As seminarians, we do many things together from class and prayer to fraternal time spent together. Our class has always tried to build up our relationship as brothers, and this has greatly marked our time in seminary together.

Dcn. Colin Lane, Archdiocese of Hartford, CT
As a priest, I hope to bring to the people in my parish a lived conviction of the reality of Jesus’ presence and power in their lives—that Jesus is not just a wise teacher from “long ago” but rather that he is their true and living God who is present and active in their lives and who loves them more than they will ever be able to fully know and understand.

My favorite experience from my time at Sacred Heart was the 30-Day Silent Retreat that my classmates and I made together at the end of our first Theology year. Those weeks of silent prayer completely changed my life and my relationship with Jesus for the better, and I’ll always be grateful to Sacred Heart for providing me with the opportunity to make that retreat.

Dcn. Stephen Moening, Archdiocese of Detroit
I am most excited about being able to walk with people in the parish—walking with them in the great joys but also the hardships that all of us experience in life. Sacramentally, I am most looking forward to offering the sacrifice of the Mass. To unite all of our prayers and bring them to Jesus in union with his sacrifice is something so powerful. I still have not wrapped my head around it completely, and I probably never will. To be an instrument of Jesus to become present to us in the world is truly awe-inspiring.

I have personally cherished the late-night conversations with my brothers here at Sacred Heart. It is through these times together that we dream about our future, as well as encourage each other as we pursue God’s will in our lives. I count myself blessed to be formed in a place that sought to develop my relationship with Jesus first, and then everything else was secondary. Sacred Heart has helped to form my heart into his heart, a heart that seeks to love and serve.

Dcn. Andrew Schmidt, Diocese of Kalamazoo
As a priest, I hope to bring to my assigned parish the message of Christ’s saving love. I’m so excited to preach the wonders of this love, how eager he is for us to experience it, and how his mercy leads us to it day after day despite our weaknesses.

When I look back at my years here at Sacred Heart, I am filled with gratitude for the many ways I’ve been supported when and where I’ve needed it most. From the priests and my classmates to the professors and staff throughout the building, we have a wonderful community here filled with people who really care, and this has been such a blessing for me.

Dcn. Joseph Spears, Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT)
I’m really looking forward to hearing confessions and absolving sins. Mercy is what the Lord wants to bestow, and I’m excited to be an instrument of that mercy for God's people.

One class that greatly impacted me during my time at Sacred Heart was Dr. Daniel Keating’s class on Ecumenism. It really formed and reshaped my understanding of seeking communion with other religions. I’ll be forever grateful for that.

Archdiocese of Detroit – Dcn. Ryan Asher, Dcn. Nicholas Brown, Dcn. Matthew Kurt, Dcn. Stephen Moening, Dcn. Tommy Ngo

Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit – Dcn. Elijah DeLello

Diocese of Gary – Dcn. Steven Caraher, Dcn. Zachary Glick

Diocese of Kalamazoo – Dcn. Andrew Schmidt

Diocese of Lansing – Dcn. Joshua Fons, Dcn. Riley O’Shea

Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) – Dcn. Joseph Spears

Archdiocese of Hartford – Dcn. Daniel Hackenjos, Dcn. Colin Lane

by Karla Dorweiler

Karla Dorweiler

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Sacred Heart Major Seminary is a Christ-centered Catholic community of faith and higher learning committed to forming leaders who will proclaim the good news of Christ to the people of our time. As a leading center of the New Evangelization, Sacred Heart serves the needs of the Archdiocese of Detroit and contributes to the mission of the universal Church.