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Support the formation of the next generation of priests, deacons and lay ministers at Sacred Heart Major Seminary

Your prayers and support make it possible for Sacred Heart to train priests, deacons, and lay ministers who will serve your families, parishes, and communities now and for future generations.

by Very Reverend Stephen Burr

Dear Friend of Sacred Heart Major Seminary,

Christ is risen! May the graces of this Easter Season and the new life of springtime help you experience God’s abundant love.

The power of God’s grace is easy to see in the seminarians, deacon candidates, and lay students of Sacred Heart Major Seminary. This year’s dynamic group of graduates and future ministers are eager to serve the Lord and His Church. They go forth from Sacred Heart knowing their call to live and to share the mystery of Christ’s death and Resurrection. They long to bring Jesus Christ to you and to all of God’s people. Sacred Heart’s graduates have deepened their relationship with Jesus Christ by offering their lives in study, prayer, and in their formation for ministry. They have offered this sacrifice of themselves so they might be well prepared to share the joy of salvation with the communities they are called to serve.

Sacred Heart’s graduates are models of the good and faithful servants Jesus praises in the Gospels. These are the kind of men and women we all want our priests, deacons, and lay ministers to be. It is our blessing here at Sacred Heart Major Seminary to train future leaders to proclaim Jesus Christ’s gospel and to live like Him.

Thirteen seminarians will be ordained priests for six dioceses and two religious orders. Those new priests enthusiastically embrace their vocation of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people they will serve. Also in this year’s graduating class are 18 individuals who received the Certificate in Catholic Theology. This group decided to enrich their faith life by engaging in a deeper study of God’s word and the Tradition of the Catholic Church. I thank God for all our graduates and their dedication to bringing the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Lord into our culture.

Sacred Heart Major Seminary is the ministerial training ground for those priests, deacons, and lay ministers who will sacrifice for you and future generations. To do this vital work, we need your help. Please pray fervently for these future leaders. Will you also prayerfully consider giving a financial gift to ensure more missionary disciples can be formed in Christ at Sacred Heart Major Seminary?

In the Heart of Christ,
Very Rev. Stephen Burr
Sacred Heart Major Seminary

by Very Reverend Stephen Burr

Very Reverend Stephen Burr


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Sacred Heart Major Seminary is a Christ-centered Catholic community of faith and higher learning committed to forming leaders who will proclaim the good news of Christ to the people of our time. As a leading center of the New Evangelization, Sacred Heart serves the needs of the Archdiocese of Detroit and contributes to the mission of the universal Church.