Dear Friends,
The priesthood of Jesus Christ provides a blessed life with God and His people. Each day at Sacred Heart Major Seminary is an exercise of this fruitful service and an exploration of God’s call in the lives of the seminarians.
I am struck by how many more individuals could benefit from the bountiful graces readily available at the seminary, shared through the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This year has been named by Archbishop of Detroit Allen H. Vigneron as a time for all in our archdiocese to pray for vocations to the priesthood. God is calling more men to serve as priests, and our prayer is that these men hear, listen, and respond generously to God’s movement in their lives. This invitation from God is an invitation for them to bring Jesus Christ to you and your communities. In this time of cultural struggle, we need more priests and faithful witnesses to announce the presence of Jesus Christ in the lives of all God’s people.
The seminary is already the beneficiary of your prayers. The fruits of your intercessions are clear in the many talents God has bestowed upon our faculty and staff, which they so generously share with our seminarians, deacon candidates, and lay students. Our prayers have been answered, and we should have confidence that God will continue to answer our prayers for more priests to serve in His Church.
Our faith and confidence in God are supported by another successful year during which Sacred Heart awarded degrees and certificates to 89 graduating students in April 2022. In this class, eight men received the sacrament of Holy Orders and will serve as priests in the different dioceses served by Sacred Heart Major Seminary. Additionally, much of this year’s graduating class will serve as dedicated lay ministers in parishes, schools and apostolates. Looking forward, we are blessed to welcome 104 new seminarians and an increasing number of lay students to the seminary for the 2022-2023 academic year.
We need your prayer and support to raise up more priests and ministers for the life of the Church. Your generosity allows the seminary to continue forming the hearts and minds of our many students to proclaim Jesus Christ to our suffering world. The seminarians and students who attend Sacred Heart are the future leaders of our Church. Your support of our mission is gratefully accepted, appreciated, and honored.
Would you continue to pray for us and, if possible, provide a financial contribution? Your gift directly supports and makes possible the education and formation of priests and lay ministers. We cannot continue to fulfill our mission without you.
I am grateful for the gift of our talented instructors and leadership at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. It is through your prayerful support that all of us at the seminary are able to experience daily the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Through the gifts granted to God’s ministers, hearts and minds expand to know and live with Jesus Christ beyond what they ever thought possible.
I thank God for Sacred Heart Major Seminary and for all of you who make this community possible. Thank you in advance for your prayers and for considering a gift in support of our great work. May God continue to bless you and our beloved seminary.